
Just after receiving the Ph.D.
during Caltech's 83rd commencement
Pasadena June 10, 1977


Michael DeNiro the uncle and Michael DeNiro the nephew
before either of us were lawyers
at a wedding of one of the southern DeNiros
Atlanta April 6, 2002


Being sworn into the California State Bar
by Ruggie Aldisert, United States Circuit Judge
of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
Goleta June 4, 2007


Listening to Bob Seger singing
"Wish I didn’t know now what I didn’t know then"
Staples Center Los Angeles December 28, 2011


With Professor Ron Amundson
watching our beloved Cal Bears eke out a 42-41 win over Texas
Austin September 19, 2015


What I said: "We need to review the headnotes on the cases before filing this brief"
What the Senior Associate of DeNiro, Inc. heard: "Put your briefs on your head"
Portland November 14, 2016


Jumping for joy off the Courthouse on Anacapa Street
after a Superior Court judge ordered The Regents to set aside
the decision that my UCSB student-client violated the Student Code of Conduct
and the one-quarter suspension imposed on him based on that decision
Santa Barbara September 7, 2017


The Junior and Senior Associates of DeNiro, Inc.
reading early editions of the Pacific Reporter
trying to determine if Winnie the Pooh biting Tigger
implicates strict liability
Portland September 19, 2017


Ready to go to Superior Court for the County of Santa Barbara
while the Thomas Fire raged
December 13, 2017


Jumping for joy off the Santa Cruz Courthouse on Ocean Street
after prevailing over The Regents of the University of California
April 25, 2018
[The Sixth Appellate District Court of Appeal reversed the Superior Court decision on February 16, 2021.]


Helming my consuegro's boat Tiramisu on Buzzards Bay
near Mattapoisett July 18, 2018


The Junior and Senior Associates of DeNiro, Inc.
after convincing Grumpa
that strict liability is not implicated
if Rudolph bites Donner and Blitzen on Christmas Eve
Santa Barbara December 23, 2018


All dressed up
Ready to appear for oral argument
Santa Barbara Municipal [Pickleball] Court
May 20, 2019


Half dressed up ready to appear for a client
After blowing out my ankle playing pickleball
Santa Barbara June 12, 2019


DeNiro, Inc. company picnic
Santa Barbara July 5, 2019


With two bikes my friend Ron Wilmot gave me
on the right a 1990 Specialized RockHopper
on the left a circa 1999 Slipstream
which I call the Slip-and-Fall
because the first time I dismounted I fell on my ass
Santa Barbara August 12, 2020


One man's attempt to bring a divided nation together
On the day Joe Biden becomes President-elect
I made Nancy Reagan's Persimmon Pudding
Santa Barbara November 7, 2020


Getting ready to make the red sauce
for my seventy-second birthday
from the recipe (shown on the right)
my mother sent us in 1972
Santa Barbara March 22, 2021


Just after the first ride out to the U and back
since the Rockhopper and I went down hard on Modoc Road a month ago
Santa Barbara September 3, 2021


What to get a lawyer who thought he had everything
A gift from the mother of a student client I was able to get off
without the matter having to go to hearing
Santa Barbara January 29, 2022


Representing a deponent during a Zoom deposition
Santa Barbara August 31, 2022


With Professor Ron Amundson
watching our beloved Cal Bears
eke out a 24-17 loss over Notre Dame
South Bend September 17, 2022
I was there 55 years ago the last time this happened
as a sophomore at Notre Dame
Notre Dame 41, Cal 8
September 23, 1967


A respite from legal work
watching bees pollinating
the flowers on my fava bean plants
Santa Barbara April 11, 2023


First time going to court
since Covid began
Santa Barbara June 2, 2023


The brain trust at DeNiro, Inc.
make fettuccine by hand
the way they did in Ragusa
Santa Barbara July 6, 2023


Planting next Spring's fava crop
Santa Barbara November 18, 2023


À la mémoire de Lilly
Née en 2010
Décédée en 2024
Elle a laissé son amour et ses poils avec tous ceux qui ont eu la chance de la rencontrer
January 2, 2024


My silver-mirrored didymium-doped glass lenses
A throwback to what I wore day and night
Back in 1988-91
When I was blowing glass, building my lab at UCSB
Santa Barbara February 9, 2024


My h- and i10- indices
March 3, 2024


Watching the bees pollinate the flowers on my fava bean plants
Santa Barbara April 2, 2024


Happy that I still fit in my suit
Since I have to appear in person
In early May
To represent a client at an appeal hearing
Santa Barbara April 29, 2024


The Senior and Junior Associates of DeNiro, Inc.
After pulling Grumpa out of the ocean
Hendry's Beach
Santa Barbara June 27, 2024

Copyright @ Michael J. DeNiro