Government Benefits

Appealing Denials of Government Benefits

Government benefit programs were enacted to aid citizens who face specific challenges. Unfortunately, the government often disapproves the claims of deserving people. I can help you if you have been denied the following benefits:

  • Social Security Insurance (SSI) benefits
  • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, including benefits for the disabled worker as well as for members of the family of the disabled worker, such as a spouse, an unmarried child, or an unmarried child who has a disability that started before age 22
  • Medicare
  • Medicaid
  • California unemployment insurance benefits (UIB)
  • California State Disability Insurance (SDI)
  • CalPERS (California Public Employees' Retirement System)
  • CalSTRS (California State Teachers' Retirement System)

You have the right to appeal your denied claim. I will help you get the appeals process started, and will prepare you for and represent you at the appeals hearing.

I also work with clients who want to appeal a decision that they have been overpaid CalPERS (California Public Employees' Retirement System) pension benefits, CalSTRS (California State Teachers' Retirement System) pension benefits, California unemployment insurance (UIB) benefits, or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. If you have received a Notice of Overpayment from EDD, a Notice of Overpayment from CalPERS, a Notice of Overpayment from CalSTRS, or a Notice of Overpayment from Social Security, I will help you understand the options you have to resolve the claim that you were overpaid.

Assessing Your Case

Speaking with a qualified, experienced lawyer should be the first step you take after being denied benefits. What constitutes a successful appeal is well defined by the law. I will examine the details of your case and advise you of the likelihood of your winning the appeal. I will only suggest taking action if that is in your best interest.

Taking Action

I will begin your appeal by submitting a legal brief on your behalf. Then I will represent you in the hearing with the administrative law judge who will rule on your appeal.

At your hearing, you will have to testify. Before the hearing, I will put together a list of questions that I intend to ask you. We will discuss giving precise, truthful answers to those questions. We will collaborate, preparing you to be a compelling and credible witness.

During the hearing, I will guide you through the process and ask the questions we have already discussed.

Contact Me

To schedule a free initial consultation, call me at (805) 845-8223, or email me at (please replace the "7" with the "at symbol"), or Click to send me an e-mail.

During the initial consultation, I will gather the relevant facts from you to determine if I can offer legal services that might help you, and then, if you want me to, I will send you a fee agreement showing how much those services would cost you.

I will not offer affirmative advice - do this, don't do that - during the initial consultation. I only do that once you become my client. I don't review documents prior to the initial consultation, I only do that once you become my client. And finally, if your matter does not involve the application of California law or of Federal law to a matter that arose in California, I will inform you during the initial consultation that I cannot provide any advice because by doing so I would be engaging in the unauthorized practice of law, which is forbidden by the Rules of Professional Conduct of the California State Bar.

The use of the Internet for communications with me will not establish an attorney-client relationship. Please note that messages containing confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent. Pursuant to Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1-400, the matter herein must be labeled as a newsletter.


All dressed up
ready to drive to Los Angeles
for oral argument
in the U.S. District Court
for the Central District of California
Santa Barbara October 29, 2015

Copyright @ Michael J. DeNiro